When I first started my business, it felt like a firehose of information shooting right at my face. I was thinking there has to be an easier more manageable way, then I learned how to simplify email marketing in these basic 4 steps.

Right now, you are probably feeling the stress of trying to “do it all”. You’ve started your social media account, but quickly realize just how exhausting it is to connect with your audience without a true strategy in place.

Social media exhaustion is real as a business owner.


Not to mention, when your go-to social platform decides to add new features, prioritize certain content, and just ultimately throw off your “strategy”

It’s time to create an experience that bridges the gap between the audience you own (your list) and the audience you don’t own (your social platform).

Because running a successful online business without losing your time freedom is 1000000% possible.

The biggest reason I started my business was so that I had the CHOICE to work and didn’t HAVE to work.

Here’s what we do know – your business is going to be so successful without a doubt because this is your dream.

But why work harder, when you can work smarter and put a solid foundation in place to consistently grow, engage, and nurture your contacts.

It’s time to stop drinking out of a firehose and put your email list to work.

Without the chaos and confusion that comes with starting your email list.

Here are a few tips to uncomplicate your email marketing today and get started on the right foot…

BUT, I’ll warn you – this is a no-fluff zone. I’m not here to waste your time or your energy with all-fluff content that isn’t going to help you put you on the right foot forward.

Let’s get started…

Simplify Email Marketing Tip #1 – Give your email list a purpose

A list without a purpose is just another hodgepodge audience without the strategy. A purpose for your email list can look like – selling a mini-course, nurturing your audience for a high-ticket service, driving traffic to your website or social posts, etc.

When you are starting your list, get as specific as possible – this will help with clarity and avoid any missteps.

Simplify Email Marketing Tip #2 Get inside the mind of your ideal client and target audience

Now that you know what the purpose of your list is. Who is going to serve that purpose?

Who are they? Why are they here in your audience? What sort of future do they want to create? Get to the heart of their pain points. Then create an experience in alignment.

If you skip this part, you’ll be talking to no one OR even worse, attracting the wrong people into your funnels.

9/10 when someone is focused on quantity over quality – they end up with an unengaged, sad email list that doesn’t result in any conversion.

Simplify Email Marketing Tip #3 – Nail down your email list attraction method.

How are you going to get them on your list? What does that process look like to you? Grow your email list effortlessly and without all the chaos.

I call this the roads to your email list. Use this guide to create a solid foundation for your email marketing – click here to access my free guide.

Finally, it’s time to start designing the grand tour experience.

What is the experience you want to deliver to your new contact once they get on your list? Let me just tell you…it’s not about you – it’s about them.

Keep in mind the specific ideal client we are focusing on. Use them as inspiration to outline your welcome sequence.

The most important email that you will ever write is your welcome sequence. It sets the framework for how your audience will interact with you going forward. Give them a crap email that’s filled with things they don’t care about, they won’t open the next one.

I’ll tell you, these points are probably the most important part of your email strategy. Without this process, you don’t have an email list to send to.

Now, how does this uncomplicate your email marketing? Well, because you are starting with a plan – a solid foundation.

Most business owners I work with see their email lists as a checkbox for their business – not a strategic nurture system.

A lead incubator, if you will.

When you start with the process that your email list is a strategic part of your marketing plan – you begin to see it’s truly a well-oiled machine.

Enough from me now.

I want to invite you to grab my free resource – The Email Strategy Guide – where I’ll show you the 3 steps to take for a high-converting email list.

No matter where you are in your email marketing journey, Gal can help guide the way with a variety of email marketing services.

Gal is a boutique email marketing agency that delivers email strategy, email campaign management, and email audits.

Check out Gal Marketing’s services today – ranging from one-off strategy intensives to full marketing takeovers.

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keep your readers engaged and ready to hit the “buy now” button--no matter your list size.

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