Tell me, do you see the mess that you have created inside of your email list and immediately close your laptop and walk away? Not sure how to increase email engagement?

Don’t fret.

We have all gotten ourselves into a bit of a mess at some point or another.

*currently, I’m hiding from the weeks of unfolded laundry staring at me from my chair in my bedroom*

gif of Jennifer Gartner hiding

I digress. Let’s get you out of that mess with 3 tips you can implement today.

How to Increase Email Engagement in 3 Steps

These 3 tips are easy to implement AND will help you get closer to your dreams of attracting and nurturing your leads in a way that feels authentic to you…

Tag those leads…you’ll be thankful that you did.

If you want to know how to increase email engagment, knowing exactly who is on your list and how they got there will give you a MUCH better insight into what to send your list and what they actually want.

Not quite sure how you should be tagging them – here’s a quick breakdown:

You want to be able to identify these 2 things about your contacts:

  1. How did they get on your email list? (i.e. Freebie, Event, Challenge, etc.)
  2. How are they behaving on your email list? Are they opening your emails, clicking on your links, and interacting with your content? (i.e. Active, Unengaged, Prospects, etc.)

When you have this level of insight into your list – you’re able to see who is actually on your list and how they are consuming your content.

Test your messaging!

Most email platforms have a really fun feature called AB testing. This gives you DATA on what your audience actually wants with subject lines, CTAs, stories vs graphics, etc.

Remember, assumptions in your business don’t do anything for you. Validate those assumptions with tests and data!

Here’s an example of what an AB Test might look like:

We want to know what subject line your audience will like better –

Subject line A: “5 tips to overcome stress”

Subject line B: “Are you ready to stop stressing? Here’s how…

We will send 20% Subject line A and 20% subject line B. After a specified period of time, whichever subject line has the most opens – the remainder of your list will get the winner.

This enhances your chances of getting a higher open rate because your email list is telling you what they want to open from you.

PRO TIP: Keep a running list of your tests and start to notice recurring trends in your tests.

Automate, automate, automate.

Set it and forget it. That’s the beauty of automation – and honestly what makes email marketing so freakin’ powerful.

Someone downloads your freebie, gets pushed into your beautifully curated welcome sequence, and gets delivered a series of strategic emails that’ll nurture and empower them.

Here are some things to start automating today:

  • Welcome Sequences
  • Abandoned Cart
  • Re-engagement campaigns
  • Onboarding & Check-ins.

Now you know how to increase email engagement

These three tips will keep your list happy and healthy.

No more walking away from the sight of your email list anymore!

Ready to take these tips to the next level? That’s EXACTLY what I help my soulmate clients with during VIP days & intensives!

At Gal, I have strategies for businesses in all stages developed to help you build, convert, and create engaging relationships in your mailing list. I have helped all sorts of businesses grow and implement a strategy for their success. Book a free consultation today.

You can learn more about Gal’s services here.

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stay in the loop 

keep your readers engaged and ready to hit the “buy now” button--no matter your list size.

Thank you!