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As the world awakens from winter’s slumber, there’s a palpable sense of renewal in the air. In the latest installment of the Growing a Deeply Rooted Business podcast, hosts Jess and Rachel usher in Season 3 with an invigorating discussion on harnessing the vibrant energy of spring to propel your small business forward. Join them as they explore how embracing the essence of spring can breathe new life into your entrepreneurial endeavors, offering invaluable insights and actionable tips to help you thrive in the season of growth.

Discover how to rejuvenate your small business with spring's energy! Tune into Season 3 of the Growing a Deeply Rooted Business podcast for expert online marketing tips, email marketing strategies, and insights on optimizing business operations. Embrace new growth today!

Springing into Action: Energizing Your Small Business for Growth

As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, there’s an undeniable sense of renewal in the air. In the latest episode of the Growing a Deeply Rooted Business podcast, hosts Jess and Rachel harness this vibrant energy of spring to ignite a fire under your small business. Season 3 kicks off with a dynamic discussion on embracing the essence of spring to breathe new life into your business endeavors.

Embracing the Energy of Spring

Spring isn’t just about nature’s renewal; it’s a powerful metaphor for rejuvenation in our businesses too. Jess and Rachel delve into how this season of growth and new beginnings can serve as a catalyst for propelling your business forward. They highlight the importance of tapping into this energy to invigorate your marketing strategies and reinvigorate your business operations.

Taking Back Your Power

In times of sluggish sales or slow growth, it’s easy to slip into a victim mindset. However, Jess and Rachel advocate for reclaiming your power during these challenging periods. They emphasize the need to focus on what you can control rather than dwelling on external factors. By shifting your perspective and mindset, you can navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.

Getting Scrappy

One of the key strategies discussed in this episode is the concept of getting scrappy. Jess and Rachel introduce their words of the quarter, “scrappy” and “amplify,” highlighting the importance of resourcefulness and visibility. They encourage entrepreneurs to embrace discomfort, explore unconventional approaches, and leverage every available resource to accelerate business growth.

Challenging the Status Quo

Throughout the season, Jess and Rachel promise to delve deeper into topics like creativity, actionable strategies for marketing, and reimagining traditional sales approaches. They invite listeners to challenge the status quo, think outside the box, and explore innovative methods to drive business success.

As the season unfolds, Growing a Deeply Rooted Business promises more insightful episodes. From turning up the heat with marketing to navigating slow sales, Jess and Rachel are committed to providing actionable advice to help your business thrive. Stay connected with them on Instagram and TikTok for additional insights and behind-the-scenes content.


Spring is synonymous with new beginnings and opportunities for growth. It’s the perfect time to reassess your small business marketing strategies, refine your email marketing strategy, and optimize your business operations. Remember to take back your power, get scrappy, and amplify your efforts to make this season a transformative one for your business. Tune in to Growing a Deeply Rooted Business and embark on a journey to energize and elevate your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Don’t miss the next episode of the Deeply Rooted Business Podcast, where Rachel and Jess continue to provide valuable insights and advice for small business marketing, project planning, and project management. Subscribe now to stay ahead of the curve and propel your business to new heights!

Stay rooted, reflective, and ready to tackle the heart of your business matters by listening to this episode and continuing to follow along with Rachel and Jess.

Stay connected 🌱💡 Connect with Rachel at @Gal.Agency. Connect with Jess at @the_wellness_collaborative

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